Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC)

“Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and its subsidiaries constitute a public group serving the public interest and the country’s economic development. The Group carries out missions of public interest in support of the public policies implemented by the State and local government bodies, and may also exercise competitive activities. […] Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is a long-term investor and contributes to the development of enterprises in line with its own proprietorial interests.”

Article L. 518-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (amended by the 2008 law on modernisation of the economy).

Ours is a one-of-a-kind model

Placed under Parliamentary supervision and guarantee, Caisse des Dépôts is Europe’s only financial institution relying on the nation’s protection, a status that confers it with independence and autonomy. It is a Public Group made up of a Public Institution and subsidiaries.

Since 1816, our priority mission has been to "receive, conserve and render the values entrusted to us".

Our raison d’être: the public interest

Ever attentive to the country’s development, we carry out missions of public interest supporting national and local public policies: financing of social housing, development of enterprises, and energy and ecological transition.

Active above all in promoting the country and its regions’ economic development, the Group stands out for its unique positioning, leaving time for innovation and sustainable growth.

Our mission as a long-term investor

We invest over the long term, serving the country’s economic development with our loan offers, equity and guarantee mechanisms with no contributions from the State budget. Our stable and diversified resources come from management of our financial assets, investment activities, and subsidiaries, which are normally set up by Caisse des Dépôts to meet a need of public interest.

We are active in such diverse sectors as personal risk protection, mobility, housing, leisure activities and tourism, company financing, IT, and energy and the environment.

Our capacity for innovation and designing new forms of cooperation with our partners and customers enables us to anticipate, support and accelerate the major changes that French society is undergoing, in particular those requiring large-scale investments.

Our priorities

Our priorities are in support of major public policy, serving growth, employment and the economic and territorial development of the country. As a long-term investor, Caisse des Dépôts has supported the development of French society during every era. Now, we are mainly working on four transitions:

Territorial Transition
We support local stakeholders, local authorities and their operators in the context of territorial reform and we participate in their development projects, which are essential to the competitiveness and appeal of our country.

Supporting local public investment
- Funding structuring projects from local authorities via loans
- Modernising public infrastructure and facilities
- Attracting European and foreign funding for local projects.

Restarting home building
- Supporting operations from social housing bodies
- Innovating for accommodation
- Developing the intermediary accommodation offer

Strengthening the appeal of territories
- Contributing to urban renovation and territorial planning
- Developing service sector property
- Improving the tourism offer.

Stimulating growth as close as possible to the established employment areas
- Supporting the growth of companies
- Preparing for future competitiveness
- Stimulating the entrepreneurial ecosystem

Ecological and energy transition
We mobilise our funding capacities, our subsidiaries and our tools to accelerate the ecological and energy transition of our country.

Saving energy and improving the energy performance of buildings
- In social and private housing stock
- In public buildings and companies.

Diversifying the energy mix
- Investing in renewable energy
- Supporting green economy companies.

Sustainably equipping and adapting the territories
- Supporting local authorities in terms of engineering
- Encouraging sustainable territories
- Developing new sustainable mobility models.

Encouraging and protecting natural heritage
- Developing biodiversity preservation offers
- Committing to research.

Digital transition
We support the development of the digital economy through equipping territories with infrastructure and also by developing digital uses and services for the benefit of our customers.

Supporting the digital transition of territories:
- Deploying smart technologies serving the city
- Equipping territories with infrastructure
- Accelerating the spread of new uses
- Promoting e-administration for all.

Developing the digital economy:
- Supporting companies from the industry
- Designing connected housing
- Promoting connected and multi-modal mobility.

Developing the digital serving trustees and customers:
- Digital services for trustees of pension and solidarity schemes
- Digital banking services.

Demographic and social transition
We support and protect people throughout life with innovative everyday solutions, therefore strengthening social cohesion and “living together better”.

Financing your path through life:
- Insuring against all possible futures
- Managing social services and pension schemes

Preparing for the future:
- Helping active young people, students and vulnerable people to get accommodation
- Developing the Silver economy
- Financing and building new care homes

Living together better:
- Investing in “inclusive” urban planning
- Offering accommodation suited to stage in life
- Making independent home-living easier.


Siège du groupe Caisse des Dépôts
56, Rue de Lille
75356 Paris 07 SP
Direction des services bancaires
15, quai Anatole France
75700 Paris SP
Tel : 01 58 50 00 00

Direction des fonds d’épargne - Direction des investissements
et du développement local - Direction du réseau et des territoires
72, avenue Pierre Mendès-France
75914 Paris cedex 13
Tel : 01 58 50 00 00

Direction des retraites et de la solidarité
2, avenue Pierre Mendès France
75013 Paris
Tél. : 01 58 50 00 00

Établissement d’Angers - Paris
24, rue Louis-Gain
49939 Angers Cedex 09
Tél. : 02 41 05 25 00

2, avenue Pierre Mendès France
75914 Paris cedex 13
Tél. :

Établissement de Bordeaux
5, rue du Vergne
33059 Bordeaux Cedex
Tél. : 05 56 11 41 23


European Long-Term Investors a.i.s.b.l.
Rue Montoyer 51
B - 1000 Brussels
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