Brussels, 7 March 2025
ELTI, EVFIN, AECM & NEFI Position Paper: Unlock private capital – the Savings- and Investment Union
The Capital Markets Union (CMU) has been a major theme of European economic policy since 2014. The new Von der Leyen II Commission has made the ' Savings and Investment Union ' (SIU) a key point of its new mandate. The SIU aims to mobilise European savings for the real economy (80% are currently immobilised in bank deposits and short-term savings account), strengthen market-based financing of the economy (barely 20% today), and help finance the EU's considerable investment needs (€800 billion per year according to the Draghi report to finance the green and digital transition).
The competitiveness of the European financial sector is losing momentum, faced with increasingly stringent banking regulations, entirely focused on consumer protection, and higher prudential requirements than other global economies. 65% of equity assets under management are invested outside Europe and 47% in bonds, continuously increasing since 2012. The EU's relative size in global capital markets has decreased from 18% to 10% in 15 years.
The European Commission (EC) is consulting stakeholders to further develop its future initiative on SIU. One of the challenges of the SIU will be to ensure that European players seize all opportunities compared to American players present in Europe. To strengthen the SIU, ELTI, EVFIN, AECM and NEFI propose several measures in this common position paper. PUnlockprivatecapital–the Savings-andInvestmentUnionDF
Brussels, 2 December 2024
AECM, EAPB, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Common Position Paper on the Future of Cohesion Policy with a Focus on Ensuring Regional Flexibility and Promoting Simplification
Our associations and networks believe that Cohesion Policy has been an important instrument in promoting regional development across Europe, while also contributing to the green and digital transitions. Particularly, we would like to emphasize the fundamental role played by many of our members in the implementation of this funding, relying on our strong presence within local economies.
Driven by this successful experience as implementing partners, we would like to share our common views in the incipient policy debate on the future of Cohesion Policy. We are particularly concerned about the potential alignment of future cohesion funding with the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) model. We believe that, instead, future reforms of the system should focus on simplifying funding regulations and reporting requirements, which are already excessively complex and risk becoming even more burdensome in the future. PCohesianPolicyDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: Recommendations Reporting Requirements:
As Implementing Partners as well as financial intermediaries of the InvestEU Programme, ELTI members welcome the proposal for a “Regulation amending Regulations as regards certain reporting requirements in the fields of financial services and investment support. More specifically, ELTI welcomes the proposal to amend Article 28(4) of the InvestEU regulation on Monitoring and Reporting by changing the frequency of reporting on the financing and investment operations from biannual to annual. PDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: Strategic Outlook
The members of the European association of Long-term Investors (ELTI) proposes 5 core principles that should be upheld in view of the next MFF for 2028-2034. PstrategicoutlookDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: Summary
For the mid-term review of the ongoing Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) ELTI members draw conclusions from their implementation experience with 4 EU Financial Instruments: InvestEU, CEF Blending Transport, Horizon and Cohesion Policy Funds. ELTI is happy to share observations and proposals for the improvement of the instruments for the remaining 4 years of the 2021 – 2027 MFF. PDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: Cohesion Policy Funds
The Cohesion Policy Funds are an appropriate promotional instrument to increase competitiveness and reducing the gaps in notably economic development between different regions. ELTI members are long-standing Implementing Partners and share the observations and recommendations. PDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: Horizon :
Three years after the start of the Horizon Europe Programme ELTI members would like to share experience and give some recommendations. PHorizonDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Blending:
The CEF Blending instrument has evolved to a very positive landmark Financial Instrument and plays an important role in delivering the European Green Deal and increasing EU’s energy independence. ELTI members would like to share observations and recommendations. PCEFBlendingDF
Brussels, 25 March 2024
ELTI Position Paper: InvestEU:
After three years since the launch of the InvestEU Programme, ELTI members put forward 10 recommendations to improve the functioning of the programme. Such recommendations should be taken aboard in the mid-term review of InvestEU and considered when designing the successor of the Programme in the next Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). PInvestEUDF
Brussels, 15 December 2023
ELTI Position Paper: Reduction of information requirements under EU legislation "Have your say procedure” PDF
Brussels, 10 May 2023
Joint Position Paper: InvestEU – Joint feedback on the interim evaluation PInvestEU – Joint feedback on the interim evaluation May 2023DF
Brussels, 17 October 2022
ELTI Position Paper: Increasing market acceptance on the targeted recast of the EU Financial Regulation PIncreasingmarketacceptanceonthetargetedrecastoftheEUFinancialRegulationDF
Brussels, 25 May 2022
ELTI Position Paper: Enhancing the efficiency of measures to fight against Anti-Money Loundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism PEnhancing the efficiency of measures to fight against Anti-Money Loundering and Countering the Financing of TerrorismDF
Brussels, 8 December 2021
AECM, EAPB, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Implementation of the GBER – efficient and pragmatic feedback to the ongoing GBER consultation P2021.12.08_-_AECM_EAPB_ELTI_NEFI_Joint_position_paper_GBER.pdfDF
Brussels, 1 October 2021
ELTI Position Paper: General comments to the revision of the EU Financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union PEU - Financial RegulationDF
Brussels, 5 March 2021
ELTI Position Paper: InvestEU - Saving the Additionality Principle PInvestEU - Saving the Additionality PrincipleDF
Brussels, 14 December 2020
ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: The implementation of the EU Taxonomy PThe implementation of the EU TaxonomyDF
Brussels, 16 September 2020
ELTI Position Paper: Next Generation EU & Factsheets (Enterprises, Health, Renovation Wave, Infrastructure and Territorial Devel.) PNext Generation EU & Factsheets (Enterprises, Health, Renovation Wave, Infrastructure and Territorial Development)DF
Brussels, 17 June 2020
AECM, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Overview of measures against the economic impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak PAECM, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Overview of measures against the economic impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreakDF
Brussels, 19 March 2020
ELTI Position Paper: NPBIs ready to fight the COVID-19 economic crisis PELTI Position Paper: NPBIs ready to fight the COVID-19 economic crisisDF
Brussels, 9 December 2019
ELTI Position Paper: Promotional Banks’ role in implementing the Paris Agreement PELTI Position Paper: Promotional Banks’ role in implementing the Paris AgreementDF
Brussels, 30 October 2019
ELTI Position Paper: EU Taxonomy PELTI Position Paper: EU TaxonomyDF
Brussels, 16 September 2019
AECM, EAPB, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Comments on the State of Play regarding InvestEU PAECM, EAPB, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Comments on the State of Play regarding InvestEUDF
Brussels, 13 February 2019
AECM, EAPB, ELTI, NEFI & SME United Position Paper: Comments on SME-related aspects of the proposed InvestEU Programme PAECM, EAPB, ELTI, NEFI & SME United position paper: Comments on SME-related aspects of the proposed InvestEU ProgrammeDF
Brussels, 24 September 2018
ELTI Position Paper: InvestEU: how to concretely deliver? PELTI Position Paper: InvestEU: how to concretely deliver?DF
Brussels, 11 June 2018
AECM, EAPB, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Financing Energy Efficiency measures in buildings - 'Reflections on the creation of a coherent approach in a multi-level governance system PAECM, EAPB, ELTI & NEFI Position Paper: Financing Energy Efficiency measures in buildings - 'Reflections on the creation of a coherent approach in a multi-level governance systemDF
Brussels, 26 March 2018
ELTI Position Paper: Financial instruments in the next MFF - The way forward regarding the single fund, direct access for NPBIs and the single rule book PELTI Position Paper: Financial instruments in the next MFF - The way forward regarding the single fund, direct access for NPBIs and the single rule bookDF
Brussels, January 2018
High-Level Task-Force on Social Infrastructure's Final Report - Boosting Investments in Social Infrastructure in Europe PHigh-Level Task-Force on Social Infrastructure's Final Report - Boosting Investments in Social Infrastructure in EuropeDF
Brussels, 6 November 2017
ELTI Position Paper: Multiannual Financial Framework post 2020 PELTI Position Paper: Multiannual Financial Framework post 2020DF
Brussels, July 2017
ELTI Position Paper: Future role of National Promotional Banks and Institutions in the Implementation of EU Funds PFuture role of National Promotional Banks and Institutions in the Implementation of EU FundsDF
Brussels, 2 March 2017
ELTI Position Paper: CRD Review Proposal, article 2 PELTI Position Paper: CRD Review Proposal, article 2DF
Brussels, 23 November 2016
Investment Plan for Europe: Experience of National Promotional Banks and Institutions and possible improvements PInvestment Plan for Europe: Experience of National Promotional Banks and Institutions and possible improvementsDF
Brussels, 21 November 2016
Common Provision Regulation 1303/2013 - Revision of Article 38: Recommendations from the European Long-Term Investors Association PCommon Provision Regulation 1303/2013 - Revision of Article 38: Recommendations from the European Long-Term Investors AssociationDF
Brussels, 18 March 2016
ELTI Position Paper: Long-Term & Sustainable Investment including environmental, social & governance (ESG) issues in Investment activities of International & National Financial institutions PELTI Position Paper: Long-Term & Sustainable Investment including environmental, social & governance (ESG) issues in Investment activities of International & National Financial institutionsDF
Brussels, 28 October 2014
ELTI contribution to the European Commission public consultation: Effects of using IFRS in the EU PELTI contribution to the European Commission public consultation: Effects of using IFRS in the EUDF
Brussels, 23 May 2014
ELTI contribution to EFRAG Consultation on the EFRAG Research Paper - The role of the Business Model in Financial Statements PELTI contribution to EFRAG Consultation on the EFRAG Research Paper - The role of the Business Model in Financial StatementsDF
Brussels, 10 March 2014
Common position of the European Long-Term Investors association (ELTI) on the own-initiative European Parliament Report on the long-term financing of the European economy PCommon position of the European Long-Term Investors association (ELTI) on the own-initiative European Parliament Report on the long-term financing of the European economyDF
Brussels, 8 January 2014
LTIC, EIB, CDC, CdP & KfW Discussion Paper: DP/2013/1 from LTIC to IASB – A review of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting PLTIC, EIB, CDC, CdP & KfW Discussion Paper: DP/2013/1 from LTIC to IASB – A review of the Conceptual Framework for Financial ReportingDF