Consignment Deposits and Loans Fund (CDLF)

The Consignment Deposits and Loans Fund (CDLF) is a non-profit organization which operates as a Legal Entity of Public Law. It belongs to the Ministry of Finance. It was founded in 1839 and began operating in 1919 as an autonomous special purpose financial organization (Law 1608/1919).

Its objective is the registry of consignments and the social and regional development by funding projects of Public and Social Interest. For this purpose the CDLF mainly grants loans to municipalities and prefectures, participates in development bodies and co-funds projects with the EIB.

In 2011 its operations were separated between a public and a commercial sector with a restriction of the expansion of the operations of the commercial sector (deposits, loans to Legal Entities of Private Law and individuals) until its total winding down.


European Long-Term Investors a.i.s.b.l.
Rue Montoyer 51
B - 1000 Brussels
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