Long Term Investment Intergroup Strategic Investments for the Future of the Grid and for the Grid of the Future2


The distribution networks are at the heart of the financial and strategic industrial issues which must be tackled on an European scale and will mobilise the bulk of the capital available for the networks for considerable amounts. They are the physical location of the energy transition and innovations must emerge from them to be able to meet the challenges posed by the revamp of  the electricity system.

This breakfast-debate on will be the occasion to gather key actors within the energy industry, institutions, academics and public investors to reflect on the best way to approach investments in the energy distribution sector in the context of the energy transition.


08:00 -  Welcome Address

European Parliament Logo LongTermInvestmentIntergroupLogo

Adina-Ioana Valean

MEP, Vice-President of the Long-term Investment Intergroup & Chair of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

08:20 - Innovative grids and investments: how to address its financial and societal dimensions?


Pierre Menet

Financial expert, European Affairs Department, Caisse des Depots Group


Pierre-Jean Coulon

President of the Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN), European Economic and Social Committee


Christian Egenhofer

Energy Climate House Director, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)


Michel Derdevet

General Secretary, Enedis



Hughes Belin

Journalist, Energy Specialist

08:50 - Question & Answer Session

09:45 - End of the event


European Long-Term Investors a.i.s.b.l.
Rue Montoyer 51
B - 1000 Brussels
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