ELTI Brochure on Green Investment
In January 2024, ELTI released its latest brochure, presenting 16 lighthouse projects in the field of Green Investment, each supported by their respective NPBI, all of which are members of ELTI.
In January 2024, ELTI released its latest brochure, presenting 16 lighthouse projects in the field of Green Investment, each supported by their respective NPBI, all of which are members of ELTI.
To meet the EU's climate targets by 2030, an additional annual public and private investment of EUR 260 billion is needed. National Promotional Banks and Institutions (NPBIs) already play a key role in tackling this investment gap by crafting long-term and tailor-made financing solutions locally. This online workshop, which took place on 13 October 2022, demonstrated the strong link of ELTI members with regional and local actors, as well as the capability to develop innovative financing solutions for energy efficiency and clean projects.
In October 2022, ELTI released its third electronic brochure, this time covering the topic of Sustainable Infrastructure. With 17 projects from 11 ELTI members, this brochure demonstrates that NPBIs are active all over Europe, that we speak the language of the clients and project promotors and that big projects with a financing volume of more than 100 million EUR can be successfully implemented with the financial support of NPBIs.
In the 6th episode of the ELTI Podcastepisode of the ELTI Podcast, we catch up with Joanne De Jonge, Strategy Director of the young Dutch NPI Invest-NL.
In this edition, we speak about Invest-NL's journey, the importance of Impact Investment and briefly about what was discussed at COP26
Sustainable finance has been engrained in the DNA of National Promotional Banks and Institutions (NPBIs) for many years and even decades in some cases. EU Member States began developing their National energy and climate plans in 2019 where, in many cases, NPBIs took a crucial role in financing the implementation of these plans.
ELTI's latest brochure provides a taste of the importance and diversity of projects financed throughout the EU Member States. NPBIs are needed now more than ever in order to ensure our common future.
Together we can do more!
In this fifth episode of the ELTI Podcast, we speak to Gaia Ghirardi, Head of Sustainability at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).
In this edition we delve into the intricacies of Sustainable Finance, the European Green Deal and in particular: the EU Taxonomy.
On 26 October 2020, the “Sustainable, Long-term investments & Competitive European Industry Intergroup” in the European Parliament held its inaugural conference. Overseen by Vice-President Frans Timmermans, this launch event focused on the necessary steps which the EU needs to prioritise in order to become more green, digital and resilient.
In 2018 ELTI members committed a financing volume of more than €140 bn of which more than €50 bn were invested in more than 300.000 sustainable projects all over Europe. The share of sustainable investments of our members is more than 30% of all commitments. This result is a strong incentive to remain frontrunner in sustainable finance in the years to come. Following the commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, decided under COP21 in Paris, carbon-neutral projects need to be implemented and financed today. The role of Long-Term Investors has become more important today than ever since infrastructure investment projects have an average lifetime of around 30 years whilst projects which require long planning phases – and financed today, might run longer than 2050.
As part of the European Sustainable Energy Week, between 17-21 June 2019, The European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI) presented the role of the members of the association, specifying the long-term experience and know-how of National Promotional Banks and Institutions (NPBIs), which are - in their respective Member States and through their combined action at EU level - key investors and enablers for a fair and sustainable energy transition.
The European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI) and the European Commission cordially invite you to attend the launch event of the report:
of the High-Level Task-Force on Investing in Social Infrastructure
Tuesday 23 January 2018
9:30 – 11:45
European Commission, Charlemagne Building
Rue de la Loi 170, 1040 Brussels
Room Alcide de Gasperi
European Long-Term Investors a.i.s.b.l.
Rue Montoyer 51
B - 1000 Brussels